Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Athena's Choice by Adam Boostrom

Athena's Choice by Adam Boostrom

**** 4 stars


I was really surprised by this book! I was contacted by the author asking if I would like a copy for an honest review and I thought not my usual genre but it did sound very interesting.
I really enjoyed it!

Athena lives in a world devoid of men, they were killed off 50 years ago from a virus and now after all of these years they may be able to bring them back. But do they really want to? Or even should they bring them back?

A totally original storyline, very well written and engrossing. Showing how humanity can fair without man and their desires for power, money and war.
Many biblical references were included in the book.

Unfortunately in this day and age with our current leaders, this book shows how we could all live in peace and with no poverty. I am not suggesting getting rid of all men, just maybe certain ones and have more women in power. A very attractive prospect.

A very good, interesting and unique read.

1 comment:

  1. I've thought about reading this and now I think I will. I know if one or two men myself I'd get rid of.
    You've made it sound quite interesting.
